
Saturday, January 15, 2005

Looking back 8th Jan

why looking back this date?
ya, bacause i was not able to record what happen on that day until now....hm, in fact, to be more precise: i type out already, but then it went BLANK suddenly...sign....gave up coz too late in tat nite then....

Actually something spoke into my heart and touched me a lot while i was at the volunteering event at Hougang that day.
(8th Jan-Volunteer-collection of blankets, bedsheets, towels etc from Hougang Residents-For South Indian Tsunami Victims)
i was there, helping to tag the "unwanted" items from all the collections....
my ex-spiritual mentor (Jean-a beautiful lady who taught me abt the beautiful Lord and helped me grow a lot in my maturity in Christ. She helped me a lot in overcoming my negativity in the way i see things and taught me perservrance and love for people from her life testimony. I thank God for blessing her in my life....miss the shepherding time with her...:)

Ok, back to the "unwanted" thingy..
i saw Jean, and i jokingly said to her: I belong to the "unwanted" items collection centre....
What touched me a lot, tho was that split second kind of thing....was her reply:
no matter what "unwanted" items, i still accept you....( stg like this)
it took me a second to let the words sink through my mind and these words reached my heart. :)

words that express acceptance and love.
the love beyond just spending time together. Coz we havnt meet for long long time personally together.
the acceptance of who i am, my strength and weakness.
the glimpse of Jesus' Love through her life testimony.
To Jean: Thank You so much!! Always my shepherd.
You showed me the heart beat of a shepherd.

"I AM the good shepherd. i know my own sheep and they know me" John 10:14

This blog would remind me to be someone like her, a good shepherd like Jesus.


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