
Monday, March 21, 2005

A Rare Saturday

Sat 19/3/05
Always good to awake with "mind at peace"...sat! weekend, no work.

Went to meet up with michelle at city hall, then headed back home.
the night before had actually "date" my dad out.
Hm, Yes, "DATE" a word ever hard to come off, if it had been in the past.
A relationship that over almost 2decades, that a "wall of generation gap"( if that's the best i can put it) always seems to present in my relationship with my dad.
But i thank God it was over.
it is in the past.

A turning point i always believe and know and experienced is because i knew God.
i tasted His unconditional love.
His love compelled me to step out of "myself" and began to love them, my parents in the way God intends it to be.

Back to my date with him.
it was a afternoon deciding whether of "going" and "not going".
Finally managed to persuade him to take on the wheelchair.
Yes, it was actually very fun to wheel my dad all the way to sengkang mrt.
Though he can walk , not for long distance...so he had to sit on the wheelchair.
a first time.
Trying to describe the surroundings to him...the familar places i know.
the path i took when i walk to the bus stop every morning.
the roadside i strolled every night back to home.
the trees, the blocks, the landmarks etc....
it was very nice feeling .
i knew and sensed it too my dad enjoyed it too.
Coz he had been at home for too long.
m glad he is happy.

At the foodcourt, he asked for korean food.
well, that's my dad. Does not care about the cost or anything, just concerned about enjoyment.
alrite, i thought, for this one time, i shall just submit to his request.
and my mum, on the other hand, asked for simple "char siew rice"
Ha, from here's an interesting fact.
my mum is a practical and thrifty typical housewife.
Dad "trained" over the years to earn so to spend, knowing what it means to enjoying life.
as i look at them, their marriage had been persevering.
tho during my younger times, i do not agree to them with a lot of their ways and the way they brought us up...etc...
now as i look back, i cant thank them enough.
For they perserve on to raise 5 of us up. they must have had their own hard times in "enduring" our rebellious growing periods.
God, i thank You, because You chose them as my parents.
they are not the perfect parents, but they are MY parents.
eh, why did i start talking so much about them?

back to the date...hee. :P
so we went to make the spectacles which my dad wanted to make for so long.
and went to cold storage to get the biscuits my dad been craving for.

it was a rare sat.
something which i didnt do before.
spending quality time with them.
had a lot of fun times having to wheel my dad across the roads.
aiyo, no strength le. good exercise tho.

something just came across my mind.
there are always a lot of things we want to do and didnt do.
Many times we see only whats the best thing to do at present.
we forgot to think about the best for now and future.
it can be our comfort zone that makes us hestitant.
it can be our claims to our personal rights.
whatever it is, i hope that each and every opportunity i can do the right things at the right time.
but bound to have slips and falls here and there.
but the important thing is to pick up and move on.
what's more, the All-knowing God is with me.
what's there to "worry".....

God, You are so nice!

A song during sun service:
YOu are my all in all

You are my strength when i am weak
You are the treasure that i seek
u are my all in all

Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up i'll be a fool
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
worthy is Your name

when i fall down
You pick me up
When i am dry
You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Friday, March 04, 2005

Special Post for my Birthday.

to post msgs i received from some dear friends...
some even i lost touch for some time now...
m touched for those who remembered tho i didnt seem to do "that part" of me as a friend in keeping the friendship.
Appreciation and grateful....

one of the first:-Shores never meet but share the same ocean, The moon and the stars could not be one yet are in 1 sky. Friends dont meet often but nvr stop being friends. - the owl who "spot check" my blog. heehee.....

Friends are special treasures of the heart. They make you feel loved,needed and secured...its foten not said but felt.Happy Birthday. - my 11yr long friendship, Xin

Friendship is a gift,generously given, happily accepted,deeply appreciated.You are what friendship is all abt. - my sweet "little" friend,mar.

"then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh...."Matthew 2:11b..- wo, a verse for birthday wish, Ber.

felt so touched with some prayer msg and wishes from Cryst,June, Pauline, Vivian, Shuxuan, Shuwei, Zhiyong, Guoliang, Vinc, Choon Yam, GR, Rachel, Dennis, Sandy, Michelle, etc...

Yes, proudly announcing "i m 25 this year"
hee....like the "feeling" of getting "mature"...:)
Birthday wishes:PLenty.
one of it would be looking forward to the thai trip i shld be going..( for now, unless stg else crops up to deter this trip)....gonna be another breakthrough this year. :)

Marchian babies: Vinc & GR- Happy Birthday to you two! :)

hey...as i am posting...my msn "sounded".
saw a msg from team chile-David, PuiSee, Cindy. They rem my birthday! so touched. :)

another of my birthday wishes:
God, bless all of my friends! at their work, at home, in church whatever they are doing. May they experienced Your Love. :)

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil. Cling on to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in seal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful inprayer. Share with God's people's who are in need. Practice hospitality..." Romans 12:9-13

A MattEr of PeRsPeCtiVe

I am standing on the seashore.
A ship appears
and spreads her white sails
to the morning breeze
and starts for the ocean.
She is an object of beauty
and I stand watching her
till at last she fades away on the horizon,
and someone at my side quietly says,
“She is gone.” Gone where?
Gone from my vision, that is all;
she is just as large as when I saw her last.
The diminished size
and the total loss of sight
is in me, not in her;
and just at the moment
when someone at my side says,
“She is gone,”
there are others who are watching
her coming and other voices
take up a joyful shout,
“There she comes!”